The Most Beautiful Places in
  • Maccanti馬卡諦義大利冰淇淋 台北忠孝店

    Maccanti馬卡諦義大利冰淇淋 台北忠孝店

    About Restaurant: ✷預約規則♦本店不收服務費。♦假日用餐時間90分鐘,以訂位時間起算。♦每人內用低消為$150元,身高120cm以下孩童不在此限。♦為維護貴賓用餐權益,訂位保留10分鐘,逾時即視為取消;用餐座位皆依現場狀況安排,恕無法指定座位,餐廳保留最終安排座位之權利。♦本店接受寵物入店,但寵物不得落地,請將毛小孩抱著或是置於寵物籃/籠內,請勿讓其落地或放置於沙發、椅子上,懇請配合。♦本店禁用外食、外帶飲料。♦6人以上訂位或特殊需求,請來電門市,將有專人為您處理。✷可訂位門市台北忠孝店▷臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段102號1樓▷02-8773-3778桃園旗艦店▷桃園市桃園區大有路368號1樓▷03-325-3399✷線上菜單(雲端連結) Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Unspecified Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Google Maps: Click to See Location on Map Dining style: Casual Dining Price: NT$999 and under Cuisines: Unspecified Hours of operation: Wed, Thu, Sun 1:00 pm–9:00 pm Fri, Sat 1:00 pm–10:00…

  • 香味集團 和食EN敦化館

    香味集團 和食EN敦化館

    About Restaurant: Coming Soon! Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Unspecified Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Google Maps: Click to See Location on Map Dining style: Casual Dining Price: NT$999 and under Cuisines: Unspecified Hours of operation: Daily 11:00 am–3:00 pm Mon–Thu, Sun 5:00 pm–9:30 pm…

  • Drizzle by Fourplay

    Drizzle by Fourplay

    About Restaurant: [ 訂位須知 ]/Opening Hour週一至週四18:00-01:00週五至週六,分為兩場次18:00-22:00,22:00-02:00每週日為固定公休/Last order最後酒水加點時間平日(週一至週四):00:00假日(週五及週六):01:00/Minimun charge低消非包廂座位平日(週一至週四) 500元/人假日(週五及週六) 600元/人包廂座位平日(週一至週四) 8000元假日(週五及週六) 10000元/場次服務費10%另計/用餐時段・週五-週六及例假日、特殊節日為2小時・週一-週四如後續無其他訂位無時間限制/訂位規則・訂位僅保留10分鐘,逾時視同放棄訂位不另外以電話通知如有未出席紀錄者一律列入店家黑名單・僅開放30天內訂位,為確保服務品質訂位人數最多僅接受12位請見諒禁止同組客人分開訂位,入場時如有臨時擅自加減人數之狀況,店家有權不收客如有包場需求歡迎來電聯繫・為維護所有客人權益,恕不接受臨時現場增減人數如需更改人數請於訂位時間30分鐘前主動來電告知若無提前告知減少人數將收取原訂位人數低消且店家有權利不收客/注意事項・禁止於室內吸煙及電子煙・恕不接受18歲以下孩童及寵物入內・以安全性考量請避免穿著拖鞋・如需嘔吐請至洗手間或向服務人員拿取垃圾袋,若吐在馬桶及垃圾袋以外的地方需酌收清潔費3000元・禁帶外食,包含各式飲料如有攜帶慶生蛋糕需求歡迎提前來電告知,不另收生日蛋糕清潔費,因此無法提供蛋糕分切、餐具、蠟燭或甜點畫盤之服務不接受攜帶任何佈置用品,若有因慶生活動造成髒亂需酌收3000元・禁止酒醉鬧事及騷擾客人、服務人員,否則將協助報警處理請自重 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have…

  • 十韻極品涮涮鍋


    About Restaurant: Coming Soon! Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Unspecified Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Google Maps: Click to See Location on Map Dining style: Casual Dining Price: NT$999 and under Cuisines: Unspecified Hours of operation: Mon–Fri 5:00 pm–12:00 am Sat, Sun 12:00 pm–12:00 am…

  • ABV 加勒比海餐酒館 忠孝店

    ABV 加勒比海餐酒館 忠孝店

    About Restaurant: 營業時間12:00 ~01:30最後供餐時間23:30 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: American Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details: 4.3Food , 4.8Service , 4.8Ambience , 3.8Value Google…

  • Sitdown Taipei

    Sitdown Taipei

    About Restaurant: 『Sitdown預約注意事項』平日營業時間18:00~02:00假日營業時間18:00~03:00平日低消每位500 NTD假日低消每位 700 NTD用餐時間2個小時訂位人數超過8人請電話預約如有特殊需求、活動及場地租借等請來電詢問 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Unspecified Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details: 4Food , 5Service , 5Ambience ,…

  • 久碳吉炭火燒肉


    About Restaurant: 4月公休日改為週二(2、9、16、23、30)不營業‼️?️營業時間:17:30~00:30?️最後收客/加點時間:23:30☎️訂位專線:0963-659-091(若沒有您想要的預定時間歡迎來電洽詢)⚠️預約須知: 1. 線上訂位座位保留 10分鐘2.如需更改人數、時間、日期請提前於營業時間內來電詢問告知3.大組訂位(人數超過8人)請於營業時間內撥打訂位專線0963-659-091⚠️消費規則:1.尖峰時段用餐時間120分鐘,後面沒有客人皆不會打擾2.可採現金、信用卡、第三方支付:Apple Pay、Samsung Pay Positive Review Count: 2 Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Barbecue Keywords: Innovative, Good for groups Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant…

  • ABV 南洋餐酒館 國館店

    ABV 南洋餐酒館 國館店

    About Restaurant: 營業時間 12:00~23:00最後供餐時間 22:30大巨蛋棒球賽期間特別延長營業時間 中午12:00~凌晨 1:30最後點餐時間 晚上11:30 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: American Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details: 4.5Food , 4.5Service ,…

  • ABV 美式餐酒館 敦化店

    ABV 美式餐酒館 敦化店

    About Restaurant: 營業時間 12:00~01:00最後供餐時間 23:30週六、日訂位需求較多,建議來電(02-2721-6067)直接詢問座位狀況哦 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: American Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Google Maps: Click to See Location on Map Dining style: Casual Dining Price: NT$999 and under Cuisines: American, Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service, Bistro Hours of operation: Daily…

  • ABV 地中海餐酒館 光復店

    ABV 地中海餐酒館 光復店

    About Restaurant: 營業時間12:00~01:30最後供餐時間23:30 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: American Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details: 5Food , 5Service , 5Ambience , 4Value Google Maps:…

  • PARADE巴黎日常餐廳


    About Restaurant: PARADE觸動你的心思PARADE啓動你的欲望夢裡對巴黎的幻想和巧思翻湧而出,提起筆描繪了對巴黎的記憶,那些不曾忘懷的場景一一parade 浮現ICI a Paris 和巴黎人吃一樣的日常 PARADE染紅台北,PARADE的紅是中華民國青天滿地紅的紅,都是絕對值,沒有中間值。PARADE在台北起飛,站上國際城市的臨界線,PARADE就是愛紅。營業時間:週二至週日午餐:11:30-15:00午餐last order:14:00下午茶:13:30-17:00晚餐:17:30-21:30晚餐last order:20:30午餐/晚餐低消:NT$480下午茶低消:NT$320不收開瓶費,自帶酒酌收洗杯費NT$100/位VIP ROOM低消$6,000*每筆店內消費外加服務費10%*附近停車場:建成地下停車場 Positive Review Count: 1 Review Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: European Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details:…

  • 燒肉smile 大安忠孝店

    燒肉smile 大安忠孝店

    About Restaurant: 【訂位注意事項】1.目前開放「14天內」的訂位。2.可接受 1-4 位訂位(座位安排皆由現場桌況安排,亦有可能為分桌鄰近桌面)3.超過 5 位訂位或特殊活動,請來電預約由專人服務。4.訂位人數為1人或2人時,將依現場狀況安排座位(亦有可能採併桌方式安排)。5.訂位時間請準時或提前至櫃檯報到,若需更改訂位時間或人數,請提前來電告知,以免座位優先禮讓於現場客人。(餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。)6.訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認。7.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。【用餐計費方式】●店內用餐時間為100分鐘,採套餐數預約訂位●店內用餐需收10%服務費●僅限內用,恕不接受外帶●用餐為套餐制,恕不接受共享用餐●7歲(含)以上,需點選一份套餐●6歲(含)以下不收費用 Positive Review Count: No Reviews Price Range: NT$999 and under Restaurant Type: Yakiniku Menu: Click for Menu Link Review Info: Menu Review Titles: Overall ratings and reviews Review Descriptions: Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant Details: 3.5Food , 3Service , 3Ambience…